Slack Wax Light Grade 10% Oil Content

Slack wax light grade with 10% oil content is a product characterized by its yellow or brown color and its easy meltability. This specific grade of slack wax, containing 10% oil, has gained significance over the past two decades. What was once considered waste in refineries is now in high demand, with a long queue of orders. Light grade slack wax with 10% oil content is essentially a blend of paraffin wax and oil.

Uses of Slack Wax Light 10% Oil Content

Slack wax is the crude wax produced through the chilling and solvent filter-pressing of wax distillate. There are three main types of slack wax produced, categorized based on the viscosity of the lube oil being dewaxed: low neutral, medium neutral, and heavy neutral.

Packing of Slack Wax Light 10% Oil Content

Slack wax light grade with 10% oil content is typically packed in new or second-hand 180 kg drums, ISO tanks, or flexi tanks. Each 20-foot container can hold up to 110 drums of slack wax.

Guarantee/Warranty of Slack Wax Light 10% Oil Content

BITUPLUS provides a guarantee of the quality of slack wax light grade with 10% oil content. This assurance is upheld through the engagement of international inspectors to oversee the quality and quantity of the product during the loading onto vessels. Additionally, quality control is maintained through batch test reports before shipping, ensuring that the quality aligns with ASTM standards.

Analysis of Slack Wax Light 10% oil content




Test method

Kinematic viscosity @100 °c



ASTM D-445

Flash point




Specific gravity 25 °c/25 °c


ASTM D-190

Oil content



ASTM D-721

Congealing point



ASTM D-937



ASTM D-1500

Drop melting point



ASTM D-127


Delivery options include FOB, CFR, and CIF. For more detailed information about our delivery options or to make inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you with any questions or requests you may have.