APP Modified Bitumen Membrane


APP Modified Bitumen Membranes are high-performance torch-on waterproofing plastomeric multi-purpose membranes designed for durability in cold climates. These versatile membranes, known as Atactic Polypropylene Membranes, are manufactured from bitumen and come in rolls measuring 10 meters by 1 meter, covering an area of 8.7 m². When properly applied, APP membranes prove to be efficient and long-lasting waterproofing materials used in various construction applications.


  1. Concrete Flat Roofs: APP membranes are commonly used on concrete flat roofs and roofs with low pitches. They provide reliable waterproofing for these surfaces.
  2. Concrete Gutters: These membranes are suitable for waterproofing concrete gutters, ensuring they remain leak-free.
  3. Basements: APP membranes are used to waterproof basements, preventing moisture ingress.
  4. Retaining Walls: They are also employed on retaining walls to keep them dry and free from water damage.

Advantages of BITUPLUS APP Modified Bitumen Membrane

  1. Enhanced Bitumen Performance: These membranes are modified with APP, providing increased UV resistance.
  2. Temperature Resilience: They maintain their effectiveness in extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold.
  3. Superior Tensile Strength: APP membranes offer excellent tensile strength and critical flexibility, even in cold environments, reducing the risk of cracking.
  4. Versatile Application: They can be applied to flat, vertical, and curved surfaces.
  5. Lightweight: The membranes are lightweight, preventing excessive weight on roofs and building structures.
  6. Fatigue and Tear Resistance: They exhibit good resistance to fatigue and tearing.
  7. Longevity: With a lifespan of up to fifteen years, they provide long-lasting waterproofing solutions.


APP Modified Bitumen Membranes come with different types of reinforcements based on specific requirements:

General Data

Upper-Face Protections (Top Surface)

APP Modified Bitumen Membrane can have various upper-face protections, including:

Application Fields

BITUPLUS APP Modified Bitumen Roll Sheets find application in various waterproofing scenarios, including:


Q: What is an APP modified bituminous membrane?

A: An APP modified bituminous membrane is a multi-layer waterproofing membrane made of APP modified bitumen.

Q: How are APP membranes applied?

A: APP membranes are applied using a torch-on application method. Flame contact melts the surface of the membrane, which is then pressed onto the substrate with overlaps from adjoining membranes.

BITUPLUS APP Modified Bitumen Membrane is a trusted choice for reliable waterproofing in a wide range of construction applications, offering durability and protection for years to come.